
Chief Federal Inspector and representatives of the Novosibirsk deputy corps assess the readiness and prospects for completing bridge construction

Today, the Chief Federal Inspector for the Novosibirsk Region of the Office of the Plenipotentiary Representative of the President of Russia in the Siberian Federal District Nikolai Buimov, along with a large group of deputies of the Legislative Assembly of the Novosibirsk Region and the city council began their working day at the construction site of the bridge across the Ob.

This meeting was set last month, so the people’s representatives not only looked at the object of the concession agreement, but also asked the most pressing questions that concern all citizens. The main question is when will the bridge be completed? Representatives of VIS Group spoke about the current situation with the project and at the construction site, as well as its immediate prospects. In order to meet the newly set construction completion date (December 2025), it is important not to miss the summer construction season. Today, 350 people are employed at the construction site, and to fulfill the work schedule, twice as many are needed.

Today, lack of funding prevents the mobilization of additional personnel and expanding work on a full scale. However, VIS Group hopes that this issue will move from a standstill in the near future. This should be facilitated by receiving a positive conclusion from Glavgosexpertiza in regard to the changes to the project. The next batch of documents will be submitted for state examination in July. In the decade of July, a repeated appeal will be submitted to the FAS of Russia with a request to approve an additional agreement to the concession agreement that would extend the construction period. The roadmap for the next steps has been agreed upon by the project parties. Unblocking the funds allocated by the Russian Government to compensate for the increase in construction costs will allow us to sharply increase the volume and pace of work, and in an ideal scenario, to ensure that by the end of this year the main road with some of the adjacent ramps is fully ready.

The chief federal inspector and deputies promised to assist in resolving work issues, including the setup of traffic police posts on Truda Square, where traffic congestion occurs due to passage of heavy vehicles despite the prohibitory road signs. The participants of today's tour were unanimous in the opinion that the bridge needs to be completed, and it needs to be done as quickly as possible in the interests of the city and Novosibirsk residents. To do this, both parties to the project must develop compromise solutions on all controversial issues. The meeting was summed up by Igor Kudin, the Chairman of the Standing Committee on Urban Affairs, a member of the Standing Committee for Monitoring the Execution by Local Government Bodies and Their Officials of Powers to Resolve Issues of Local Importance in the Council of Deputies of the city of Novosibirsk.

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