
Governor of the Moscow Region drives along the eastern section of the Mytishchi Expressway under construction

On May 20, Governor of the Moscow Region Andrei Vorobyov and the Minister of Transport of the Moscow Region Alexei Gerzhik, visited the construction site of the Mytishchi Expressway. One of the largest transport projects in the region is being implemented by VIS Group. The head of the region assessed the progress of work on the overpass under construction across the Yaroslavl direction railway lines and the transport interchange on Ostashkovskoye Highway. He drove an automobile through one of the finished sections.

CEO of VIS Group Sergei Yudin and project director Alexander Maksakov informed the governor about the progress of construction. To date, work has been carried out along practically the entire span of the road. There is one 350-meter section remaining where the existing 500 kV power transmission line needs to be rebuilt. Completion of these works in July will provide the concessionaire with a frontier of work. Currently, 170 units of road construction equipment and 930 people are engaged in the construction of the expressway.

“This is a vital road that hundreds of thousands of residents of the capital region are waiting for. I know that the builders work in two shifts, there is a sufficient amount of equipment. Big victories are always associated with challenges and mobilizing all efforts,” said Andrey Vorobyov. “The Vinogradovo – Boltino – Tarasovka road, commonly known as the Mytishchi Expressway, will connect the busy Yaroslavskoe highway with the Pirogovskoe, Ostashkovskoe, and Afanasovskoe highways, the reconstruction of which will be completed simultaneously with the commissioning of the highway, so that drivers can exit from it right onto the Dmitrovskoe highway. This road is our first major transport concession. We will complete this project in 2024.”

Of the six transport interchanges that the project comprises, five are in under construction, and three are at an over 85% construction readiness. The main focus of work today is on the construction of artificial structures. All 11 bridges and overpasses are being built simultaneously, 7 facilities are at the stage of finishing work and are technically ready for vehicles to pass through. The largest overpass that spans over 800 m will pass over the railway tracks of the Yaroslavl direction. 5 out of 15 supports have been built and the installation of bored piles is being completed on the trestle part. Work is underway on the installation of support bodies and preparations for the installation of metal structures over the railway.

“The overall construction readiness of the highway today is estimated above 70%. We plan to complete all work by the end of the year. Thanks to constructive interaction with the Government of the Moscow Region and personal monitoring of the construction progress of Governor Andrei Yuryevich Vorobyov, it is possible to quickly resolve all working issues. This is an example of how relationships between the state and business need to be built when implementing such large-scale infrastructure projects in the interests of the region and people who will obtain access to a new modern highway and will be able to save time on travel. Any new road means new opportunities for the development of adjacent territories and the creation of a new point of economic growth. With the opening of traffic along the Mytishchi Expressway, not only the residents of the Moscow region will travel faster, but cargo will, too. VIS Group is making every effort to ensure that this event takes place within the time frame specified in the concession agreement,” commented the CEO of VIS Group, Sergei Yudin, on the progress of construction.

The total area of the roadway is almost 700,000 m2. Currently, on 11 out of 16 km, work on the construction of the roadway and pavement with a finishing layer of coating has been completed; on 9 km, the top layer of modern crushed stone-mastic asphalt concrete (SMA) has been laid.

The Mytishchi high-speed expressway is the first project in the Moscow region implemented as part of a private concession initiative. VIS Group acts as the investor and concessionaire, providing up to 80% of investments during the construction phase. The highway will pass at a distance to the north of the Moscow Ring Road and will connect all adjacent highways - Yaroslavskoye, Pirogovskoye, Ostashkovskoye and Dmitrovskoye. The predicted traffic at different stages of operation is from 24,600 to 39,000 vehicles per day. Speed limit – up to 110 km/h. After the facility is put into operation, VIS Group will carry out technical and commercial operation of the highway until 2038.

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