
State Construction Supervision Authority issues a conclusion on compliance for the first PPP polyclinic in Novosibirsk

The State Construction Supervision Inspectorate for the Novosibirsk Region today issued a conclusion on the compliance of the polyclinic No. 7 built by the VIS Group on the street Proletarian requirements of design documentation. This is the first of seven clinics being built in Novosibirsk under a public-private partnership agreement that has received a document allowing them to obtain permission to put the facility into operation.

A four-story building, equipped with all the necessary equipment, furniture and inventory, was erected in the Oktyabrsky district of the Siberian capital in 3 years. In terms of its capabilities, it goes far beyond the scope of a regular district clinic and is essentially a modern medical diagnostic center, designed for 921 visits per shift. It will be able to serve 50,000 residents of the Oktyabrsky district.

The new clinic building will house adult and children’s departments and a trauma center. Modern workplaces have been created here for over 740 specialists. But the main advantage of the PPP clinic is its technological “filling” - more than 650 units of basic medical equipment. The total number of equipment units installed at the facility is over 9,300 units.

“This is certainly an important event for us. The project is complex, being implemented in difficult economic conditions, including those related to the sanctions regime in regard to the supply of imported equipment. There was and still is a lot of controversy about the PPP format itself. However, the fact is that all the conducted comparative analyses proved that building 7 clinics on the principles of public-private partnership turned out to be more profitable than investing exclusively budget funds in this project at once. We, as a private partner, take on most of the risks during the construction stage, and subsequently engage in the technical operation of the buildings while the state settles the payments for the facilities. This is the best guarantee of quality. We understand that with the current high key rate, it is difficult for the regional budget to fulfill all the terms of the agreement, so we decided to additionally support the construction of our other facilities in the Novosibirsk region with our own funds,” said Sergei Yudin, CEO of VIS Group.

Thanks to the PPP format, the project achieved significant financial efficiency compared to a government contract. According to calculations by the Ministry of Economic Development of the Novosibirsk Region, the comparative advantage of the PPP agreement to the government contract at the start of the project was 17-19%. In the context of economic turbulence caused by the pandemic and sanctions from unfriendly countries, prices for all basic construction materials and equipment increased manifold, which led to an increase in the cost of the project by an average of a third. The objectivity of this increase was confirmed by the state examination, which the project underwent again in 2022. This was done as part of the anti-crisis measures of the Government of the Russian Federation and the corresponding resolution N2594 of December 31, 2021. However, even in such difficult conditions, the PPP mechanism made it possible to achieve more efficient financial indicators in comparison with the government contract; the comparative advantage today is estimated at 13%.

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