VIS group launches corporate concession management sub-holding website
Sub-Holding unites companies engaged in major transport infrastructure concessions in Russian regions. The total current investments in the holding’s transport projects exceed 160 billion rubles.
In 2019, VIS Group signed agreements amounting to a total of 104.1 billion rubles
The outgoing year 2019 was marked by several key events for VIS Group. The holding's portfolio of projects included a bridge across the Kaliningrad Bay, a unique cultural cluster in Yakutia, and eight medical institutions.
Ecology-Novosibirsk sums up the results of the first year of work as a regional solid waste management operator
On December 18, Novosibirsk hosted a joint press conference of the VIS Group management and the regional operator for the management of municipal solid waste in the Novosibirsk Region, OOO Ecology-Novosibirsk (part of VIS Group).
VIS Group and Gazprombank sign an agreement on launching the financing of the concession for the construction of a highway in the Moscow Region
Credit funds in the amount of 23 billion rubles are to be funneled to capital costs for road construction. In addition, Gazprombank will finance the operations of the concessionaire, the costs of VAT, as well as provide bank guarantees.
Rostech State Corporation and VIS Group create a consortium to implement a concession project to construct a bridge over the river Lena in Yakutia
The National Infrastructure Company Consortium was created to implement a project for the construction and operation of a bridge across the Lena River in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia) and other infrastructure projects.
VIS Group presents its investment projects in the Novosibirsk Region before the Federation Council
The event was attended by Governor of the Novosibirsk Region Andrei Travnikov, Acting Minister of Economic Development of the Region Lev Reshetnikov and Director for Regional Projects, Head of the Center for Attracting Investments in the Russian Regions of the Russian Direct Investment Fund Alexander Malakh.
VIS Group representatives discuss raising investments in the  housing and public utility sector at a Moscow forum
The forum was attended by heads of relevant federal and regional departments, representatives of funding organizations and private investors, utility companies and industry experts.
VIS Group and other major infrastructure project investors, supports CoLTI resolution on the investment protection bill
VIS Group, Avtodor, Sberbank, Gazprombank, VTB, Eurasian Development Bank, ZAO Leader, Autoban and other major participants of the Russian infrastructure market discussed a new bill on investment protection and development of investment activity in the Russian Federation.