Work on the PPP project in Novosibirsk is being carried out at seven clinics sites
As a result of the implementation of the PPP project, over 320,000 residents of the Oktyabrsky, Kirovsky, Leninsky and Zaeltsovsky districts will receive access to new medical infrastructure.
The superstructure of the bridge across the Ob in Novosibirsk is being installed in the design position
The work on its sliding was completed at the end of March 2022, now the builders will have to carry out an equally complex technological operation.
Head of Yakutia visits the construction site of the State Philharmonic and the Arctic Center for Epic Literature and the Arts in Yakutsk
To date, the facility’s overall construction readiness is estimated at 25%, the monolithic frame of the building is 55% ready.
Over 86,000 cars have passed through the Khabarovsk Bypass in the first week since the launch of traffic
Between 00:00 on July 16 and 20:00 (Khabarovsk time) on July 22, traffic monitor devices recorded 86,249 vehicles that used the road.
First-stage work on the bridge concession in Yakutia is deployed on both banks of the Lena River
VIS Group continues the implementation of the first (preparatory) stage of the concession project to build a bridge across the Lena River in the Republic of Sakha (Yakutia).
Traffic is launched on the first high-speed highway in the Russian Far East
The new motorway will allow to move transit traffic flows out of the city and unload the road network by 18%, significantly improving the environmental conditions.

Governor of the Moscow Region Andrey Vorobyov visited the Vinogradovo-Boltino-Tarasovka highway construction site
VIS Group is the investor and concessionaire of the project.
Head of Yakutia takes part in the SMART polyclinic construction launch ceremony in Yakutsk
One of the largest medical complexes with an area of 8.9 thousand square meters will appear in the Republic thanks to VIS Group's PPP project.