State Construction Supervision Authority issues a conclusion on compliance for the first PPP polyclinic in Novosibirsk
A conclusion was issued to the polyclinic No. 7 built on the Proletarian street.
The Mytishchi Expressway under construction will be equipped with a “free flow” toll system
An agreement has already been signed with the system integrator; over 30% of the necessary equipment has been delivered to VIS Group warehouses.
Students of the Moscow Architectural Institute take part in the development of architectural concepts for VIS Group projects
Cooperation is grant-based.
About 100 VIS Group specialists ensure technical operation of the largest perinatal center beyond the Urals
The District Clinical Center for Maternal and Child Health was built on the principles of public-private partnership.
Future patients assess the PPP clinic in Novosibirsk
The modern four-story building is fully outfitted with medical equipment, furniture and is ready to receive patients; a decision on its commissioning is expected in the near future.
Attracting private investment in road projects should be stimulated by additional government support measures
Infrastructure business initiatives are being discussed today in Moscow at the annual forum, which is supported by VIS Group.
The completion of the construction of PPP polyclinic #27 in Novosibirsk is hampered by external factors
This is one of seven facilities being built by VIS Group in the capital of Siberia under a PPP agreement.
Deputy Prosecutor General of Russia Dmitry Demeshin is informed about preparations for the construction of the Lena Bridge
During the meeting were discussed work schedules, as well as working conditions for personnel who will be involved in large-scale infrastructure construction in the permafrost zone and the Arctic climate.