VIS Group will equip all seven polyclinics with CT and MRI complexes as part of the PPP project in Novosibirsk
А total of over 3800 units of special medical equipment, including heavy equipment, will be delivered.
Construction work has begun on 7 out of 16 km of the future backup of the north-eastern section of the Moscow Ring Road in the Moscow region
The concession for the creation of the Vinogradovo - Boltino - Tarasovka highway in the Moscow Region is being implemented on schedule.
13 out of 16 stages of bridge span structure launching over the Ob River in Novosibirsk have been completed
Since January 10, the builders have started assembling the 14th-stage.
In 2021 VIS Group completed the investment stages of two large projects and launched the construction of six new facilities
For the VIS Group, the outgoing year was marked by several significant events that confirmed the company’s status as one of the leaders in the Russian infrastructure market.
First newborn and his mother are discharged from the Surgut perinatal center built under PPP principles
One of the largest perinatal centers in Russia and Europe was built under public-private partnership principles. The project implementation agreement was signed in December 2014.
Two VIS Group projects receive National Information Transparency Rating awards
The rating is unique in its kind. A PPP project to create the Surgut District Clinical Center for Maternal and Child Health and a concession to build a bridge across the Ob River in Novosibirsk became laureates of the rating.
Reconstruction of power lines is underway as part of the concession for the construction of a bridge across the Lena in Yakutia
The first stage of this large-scale infrastructure project involves large-scale works on the transfer and reconstruction of utilities within the construction zone.
The Governor of the Novosibirsk Region visits the construction site of one of the clinics built by the VIS Group under a PPP project
This is one of seven facilities being built as part of a large-scale project to create a new city network of primary health care institutions.