Bridge construction in Novosibirsk continues through the New Year holidays
Construction had not stopped even during the New Year holidays, which was confirmed on January 3 by the Minister of Transport and Roads of the Novosibirsk Region Anatoly Kostylevsky and the journalists who accompanied him.

In 2022, VIS Group overcame the negative consequences of the pandemic and continued all work on any infrastructure project without interruptions
The holding continues to work in 6 time zones, 5 federal districts and 17 regions of Russia.
Russian government will additionally allocate over 7 billion rubles to complete bridge construction project in Novosibirsk
This support measure was adopted due to a significant rise in the cost of building materials.
Three PPP polyclinics in Novosibirsk reach average readiness of 50%
These are the first three out of seven primary health care facilities being built in Novosibirsk as part of VIS Group’s public-private partnership project.
VIS Group takes part in the Summit of Infrastructure Project Market Leaders
InfraSummit is an annual business event that, since 2017, has brought together key PPP market players to discuss the results of joint work of the state and the business sector.
Construction readiness of the State Philharmonic and the Arctic Center complex in Yakutsk exceeds 30%
More than 230 builders and specialists and 11 units of special equipment are engaged in the construction of one of the largest cultural clusters in the Russian Far East by VIS Group.
VIS Group and the Regional Development Fund of the Republic of Buryatia signed a cooperation agreement
The main goal of cooperation is to promote private investments in Buryatia’s economy and implementation of infrastructure projects using PPP mechanisms.
In Novosibirsk, working traffic was launched on the reconstructed Zyryanovsky overpass
The work was carried out under the concession to build a bridge across the Ob River in Novosibirsk.